Lazy Dragon (Ben Choy) is a fictional character from the Wild Cards anthology series. He was created by William F. Wu.
Lazy Dragon is an Ace with the power to project his mind into inanimate objects, with the limitation that they must be shaped like animals, and he must make them by hand. When he does so, the animals grow to life-sized and become animated, while his physical body lies unconscious. He originally carves these animal forms out of materials like soap or vegetables, but later learns the art of origami, allowing him to carry an assortment of animal forms. He has become everything from a mouse to a polar bear, and even a Chinese dragon.
Lazy Dragon seemingly has a second, female personality, whom he regards as his sister. At times, she can take over their shared body, which turns female. Lazy Dragon is a member of the Shadow Fists, a prominent New York criminal organization in the Wild Cards universe.